Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My first thought....

There are a few things i realised when i was growing up and til dis date have been doing so.......
Life is long......... there are a few things we miss during that time because we are too busy looking ahead ...... Into the future....... but what we dont realise is that we should stop for a second and soak in all that life has to offer for that particular moment......
For example............
Did you ever fight with the girl you sat next to in high school......... it could be over some trivial matter but you two are still in contact till date..... and then that same girl wrote something nice about you years later when you two are seperated by oceans.........
Or the girl you had a massive crush on in school who later on becomes your girlfriend.......
You wouldnt have thought in your wildest dreams that these things could happen........
But then it did..........
and then you think to yourself what happened all those years back...........
and you begin to reflect upon them.......
The memories of your school or college life.........
and all you want to do is go back and brab those moments.........

ha ha ha..........
Thats the trick of life my friend.........

So all i want to say to all the people who are reading this.....
and have nothin better to do than to read this.....
Is that life gives you few oppurtunities grab them and make the most of them..... so that you dont regret anything later on..........

The thoughts written in this blog are the work of a psychopathic moron who has nothing better to do.........


  1. u are growing up! never thought u would be so sensitive in your writings...keep it up!

  2. I had the exact same feelings and I am glad you put them down..was about to put them in my blog as well. We do become so obsessed with the future that we miss the small moments of joy around us. Your blog touched my heart and I know you don't like people complimenting you, but I have to say tht small memories of school flashed in front of mind while reading the post. Keep it up, mate!
